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Adapter Providers


Both product adapters and economy adapters use the same StonksFabricAdapter interface.

Product adapters

Product adapters converts Stonks products into in-game stuffs, such as items, scoreboard scores or something from your mod (selling mana, anyone?)

To create your own product adapter, simple implement StonksFabricAdapter interface. Here is an example of an adapter that allows player to sell their experience levels for money:

public class ExperienceOrbsAdapter implements StonksFabricAdapter {
    private static final String CONSTRUCTION_DATA = "experience-orbs"; //(1)!

    public ItemStack createDisplayStack/*(2)!*/(Product product) {
        return new ItemStack(Items.EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE);

    public int getUnits(ServerPlayerEntity player, Product product) {
        if (!product.getProductConstructionData().equals(CONSTRUCTION_DATA)) return -1;
        return player.experienceLevel;

    public boolean addUnitsTo(ServerPlayerEntity player, Product product, int amount) {
        if (!product.getProductConstructionData().equals(CONSTRUCTION_DATA)) return -1;
        player.setExperienceLevel(player.experienceLevel + amount);
        return true;

    public boolean removeUnitsFrom(ServerPlayerEntity player, Product product, int amount) {
        if (!product.getProductConstructionData().equals(CONSTRUCTION_DATA)) return -1;
        player.setExperienceLevel(player.experienceLevel - amount);
        return true;
  1. This adapter only applies to products with experience-orbs construction data.
  2. Display stack will be used to show on product menu, offers list and offer options menu.

Economy adapters

Economy adapters allows Stonks to access player's money account, along with withdrawing/depositing money to their account.


Normally, you don't need to create your own economy adapters. If your mod uses a custom economy system, you can register your economy system to Patbox's Common Economy API. Beware though: this API only allows you to use integer (long to be precise) for player's account.

To create your own product adapter, simple implement StonksFabricAdapter interface. Here is an example:

public class MyMoneyAdapter implements StonksFabricAdapter {
    public double accountBalance(ServerPlayerEntity player) {
        return MyMoney.getBalance(player);

    public boolean accountDeposit(ServerPlayerEntity player, double money) {
        MyMoney.deposit(player, money);
        return true; //(1)!

    public boolean accountWithdraw(ServerPlayerEntity player, double money) {
        MyMoney.withdraw(player, money);
        return true;
  1. The main reason why you have to return true here is to prevent Stonks from using other adapters for economy. Normally it should be fine to return false if there is no "hybird" adapters, but Stonks will freak out when no economy adapters succeed in accepting withdraw/deposit request.

Registering your provider

Providers should be registered before server starts, and the proper way to do this is by registering them inside your mod entry point (which can be a static method or ModInitializer#onInitialize()):

// Assuming all of your adapters are in com.example package
import com.example.*;

StonksProvidersRegistry.registerAdapter(ExperienceOrbsAdapter.class, (server, config /*(1)!*/) -> {
    return new ExperienceOrbsAdapter();
StonksProvidersRegistry.registerAdapter(MyMoneyAdapter.class, (server, config) -> {
    return new MyMoneyAdapter();
  1. You can use config to read configurations for your adapter under useAdapter entry.

Using your adapters

To use your adapters, use useAdapter [Qualified adapter class name] for each adapter you want to use. You can use useAdapter multiple times for a single adapter, each with different configurations:

useAdapter com.example.ExperienceOrbsAdapter
useAdapter com.example.MyMoneyAdapter

// This will add another ExperienceOrbsAdapter, but it won't do anything because
// the first ExperienceOrbsAdapter already claimed any products with "experience-orb"
// construction data.
useAdapter com.example.ExperienceOrbsAdapter
    adapterConfigValue 69 nice

Auto register your adapters

In addition to configuration file, you can get your adapter added every time server starts by using StonksFabricAdapterCallback:

import stonks.fabric.adapter.StonksFabricAdapterCallback;

StonksFabricAdapterCallback.EVENT.register((server, adapters) -> {
    adapters.add(new ExperienceOrbsAdapter());


Adapters added in this way will not have access to configuration (if the code above isn't obvious enough).