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File location

  • On server: [server root]/config/stonks/config
  • On client: .minecraft/config/stonks/config

Configuration syntax


This configuration syntax is based on Nahara's Toolkit - Configurations.

// This is a comment

// This is a key-value pair configuration entry
key value

// You can have multiple key-value pairs with same key and different values
key yet another value

// Value can be extended to multiple lines by putting "\" at the end of each
// line. Really useful when writing NBT data.
nbtData { \
    display: { \
        Name: '{"text": "Cursed Paper", "color": "#FF0000", "font": "minecraft:alt"}', \
        Lore: [] \
    } \

// This is nested key
// "name" and "author" belongs to "section"
section my_section_id
    name My section name
    author My name

// You can define an entry with no value
// Usually for toggling something

Stonks configuration


This configuration can be used with Fabric or Bukkit version of Stonks.

Platform configuration

Platform configuration allows you to configure currency decimal points, tax, top offer price delta thing and category icons.

    // Number of currency decimal points. Used for parsing player's input.
    decimals 2

    // Tax rate. A value of 1 means it will takes 100% of incomes.
    tax 0.00

    // Price delta for top offer. Used for "Top offer +/- $0.1" button
    // in offer price setup menu.
    topOfferPriceDelta 0.1

    // Category icons
    // If you don't specify icons here, it will defaults to minecraft:paper
    categoryIcon foods minecraft:carrot
    categoryIcon specials minecraft:diamond
  • decimals: Decimal points for currency system. You must change this to ensure player can't type an extremely small number, like 0.0000001 for example. It should be equals to number of decimal points from economy adapters.
  • tax: Tax rate (not in percentage!). Setting the value to 0.01 means it will takes 1% from player's incomes.
  • topOfferPriceDelta: Price delta thing for quick offer button (the "Top offer +/- $0.x" button to be precise).

Registering service

Each server can only have 1 running Stonks service, which must be configured manually in configuration file. Simply use useService [Service Name] to register it with your server:

useService stonks.fabric.service.IntegratedStonksService
    // Some services may requires you to configure something
    // You can configure your service by adding nested entries under "useService"

For a list of services, see References/Services.

Registering adapters

Unlike services, you can register multiple adapters inside your configuration file. Adapters are used to convert Stonks products into equivalents in your server and vice versa.

useAdapter stonks.fabric.adapter.provided.ItemsAdapter
    // Some services may requires you to configure something
    // You can configure your service by adding nested entries under "useAdapter"

For a list of adapters, see References/Adapters.